A website dedicated to the lies of Donald J. Trump, aka BLOTUS*
*Biggest Liar of the United States
According to the Washington Post’s Fact Checker, the tally of Trump’s false or misleading claims made in his disastrous four years in office totaled 30,573! Long ago, they created a “Bottomless Pinocchio” category just for him, which are the false claims that he repeats over and over, despite compelling evidence that he’s lying (more on that here). It got so bad that his falsehoods were even called out on Fox News and there’s a Wikipedia page categorizing and describing the “False or misleading statements by Donald Trump.”
As his disastrous and undeserved first term as President came to its ignominious end in 2021, the sane people of the world rejoiced as “citizen Trump” moved on to “defendant Trump” to face the many legal issues awaiting him as he pathetically continues to spout the Big Lie while his boundless narcissism drives him to keep seeking any kind of attention, positive or negative. #ByeDon #OneTermDonnie #EndOfAnError
UPDATE: while this site isn’t being updated very frequently (the publisher has a life), one DOOZY OF A LIE that Trump uttered in 2023 can’t pass by without being mentioned. In an April 2023 deposition given in the New York AG’s fraud case against Trump and his shady business practices in the Big Apple, the former Liar-in-Chief uttered this: “…friends of mine have said, ‘you are the most honest person in the world.‘” Upon hearing this, MSNBC’s Ali Velshi said: “It takes a special kind of liar to lie about being called the most honest person in the world.” During the 8-hour deposition, he let loose with a bunch of other gems, so if you have some time to kill, here’s a link to the full transcript.
Unfortunately, thanks to dark money, the corrupt conservative supermajority on the Supreme Court, and the flawed Electoral College method of electing US presidents, FOTUS (“Felon of the United States”) is back to see how much more damage he can do, so we’ll see whether or not the media keeps reporting on his constant falsehoods.
Here are just a few of the MANY articles about the Liar-in-Chief’s falsehoods from the Liar-in-Chief’s first term. Click here for Liar-in-Chief 2.0.
- WaPo Fact Checker: Trump’s False Claims
- NYT: The Trump Lies Project
- Politifact: All False statements involving Donald Trump
- Vogue: The 25 Worst Lies From Donald Trump’s First 200 Days
- The Nation: Donald Trump Lies About Everything, Including Steve Bannon
- Time: Donald Trump Lies: President’s Falsehoods Catching Up to Him
- Esquire: President Trump’s 2000th Lie in Office
- WaPo: President Trump has made more than 2,000 false or misleading claims over 355 days
- WaPo: President Trump has made 3,001 false or misleading claims so far
- Politico: Trump’s Lies vs. Your Brain
- WaPo Opinion: I study liars. I’ve never seen one like President Trump.
- WaPo Opinion: Trump’s tower of lies is crumbling
- The Week: Trump is drowning in lies
- CNN: President Trump lied more than 3,000 times in 466 days
- WaPo: President Trump has made 4,229 false or misleading claims in 558 days
- WaPo Opinion: If Trump says his previous lies are lies, is he lying?
- The New Yorker: It’s True: Trump Is Lying More, and He’s Doing It on Purpose
- WaPo: President Trump has made more than 5,000 false or misleading claims!
- Mother Jones: Trump’s Lies Have Grown Far More Frequent—and More Dangerous
- Raw Story: ‘Dial down the lying:’ Former Trump official throws up his hands at president’s latest falsehoods
- PBS NewsHour: Fact checkers identify increasing rates of false claims by the president
- WaPo: Meet the Bottomless Pinocchio, a new rating for a false claim repeated over and over again
- WaPo: The false claims that Trump keeps repeating
- NBC News: President Trump’s 10 biggest falsehoods of 2018
- WaPo: President Trump has made more than 10,000 false or misleading claims
- NYT: Late Night Congratulates on His 10,000th Lie
- Courier Journal: With his 10,000 lies, President Trump is the most dishonest politician ever
- The Guardian: Lies, damned lies and Donald Trump: the pick of the president’s untruths
- The Atlantic: Trump’s Sinister Assault on Truth
- WaPo: President Trump has made more than 12,019 false or misleading claims over 928 days
- WaPo: President Trump has made 15,413 false or misleading claims over 1,055 days
- Lie of the Year 2019: Donald Trump’s claim whistleblower got Ukraine call ‘almost completely wrong’
- Fact check: Trump makes another round of misstatements during coronavirus briefing
- Fact check: Trump’s Saturday coronavirus briefing was littered with false claims, old and new
- Fact check: Trump makes false claims about governors not wanting tests, and repeats errors about Pelosi and Michelle Obama
- NYMag: Trump Caught in Another Huge Lie About Coronavirus Tests
- The Atlantic: All the President’s Lies About the Coronavirus
- WaPo: Trump’s claim that he’s done more for black Americans that any president since Lincoln
- WaPo: President Trump has made more than 20,000 false or misleading claims
- CNN: Here’s the most incredible thing about Donald Trump’s problem with facts
- CNN: Trump walks out of news conference after reporter asks him about Veterans Choice lie he’s told more than 150 times
- CNN: Trump unleashes avalanche of repeat lies at first presidential debate
- CNN: Fact-checking Trump’s dishonest weekend: The President made at least 66 false or misleading claims in three days
- WaPo: Trump is drowning in his own lies. Here are the latest signs of it.
- NPR: FACT CHECK: Trump Falsely Claims Widespread Fraud In Latest Election Speech
- The Atlantic: All the President’s Lies About the Coronavirus
- CNN: Fact check: Trump delivers the most dishonest speech of his presidency as Biden closes in on victory
- The Guardian: Trump’s legacy is the plague of extreme lies. Truth-based media is the vaccine
- The Hill: The big lie from Donald Trump
- CNN: How Donald Trump orchestrated the ‘lie of the year’
- NBC News: Trump versus the truth: The most outrageous falsehoods of his presidency
- WaPo: What Trump said before his supporters stormed the Capitol, annotated
- CNN: Trump’s years of lying led to the Capitol calamity
- Financial Times: Donald Trump’s weaponized lies blew up in his face
- Columbus Dispatch: Republicans’ penance for accepting Trump’s lies: Tell the truth
- WaPo: The need to reckon with Trump’s lies
- The Cap Times: Trump’s presidency begins and ends with lies
- CNN: Dale: Reflections on four weird years fact checking every word from Donald Trump
- Trump’s false or misleading claims total 30,573 over 4 years
Liar-in-Chief 2.0
- Fact check: Trump made more than 20 false claims in his Inauguration Day remarks
- FACT FOCUS: A look at false and misleading claims Trump made at inaugural events
- Fact-checking President Trump’s 2025 inaugural address
- Trump Repeats Inaccurate Claims in Inaugural Remarks
- Fact Check: Donald Trump’s inaugural speech examined
- Does China operate the Panama Canal? Trump’s inauguration speech fact-checked